WikiTrademarks - Search, analyse, and monitor trademark applications.

Joseph A Capraro Jr

Trademark Application Search Results for attorney-name:"Joseph A Capraro Jr" OR correspondent-address-1:"Joseph A Capraro Jr"

Showing 1 to 20 of 142 results

BERRYBUTLER by Hutnick, Steven (Track this)

Intl: (021) Housewares and glass US: 030; 040; 050; 029; 023; 033; 002; 013 Filing date: 06-Feb-2024 Serial number: 98394891

AIRGRES by EnterpriseDB Corporation (Track this)

Intl: (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus; (041) Education and entertainment; (042) Computer, scientific & legal US: 021; 038; 026; 023; 036; 107; 100; 101; 100; 101 Filing date: 27-Dec-2023 Serial number: 98332255

POSTGRS.AI by EnterpriseDB Corporation (Track this)

Intl: (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus; (041) Education and entertainment; (042) Computer, scientific & legal US: 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 100; 101; 107; 100; 101 Filing date: 07-Nov-2023 Serial number: 98259634

PSTGRS.AI by EnterpriseDB Corporation (Track this)

Intl: (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus; (041) Education and entertainment; (042) Computer, scientific & legal US: 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 100; 101; 107; 100; 101 Filing date: 07-Nov-2023 Serial number: 98259632

THHM THE HIP HOP MUSEUM by Universal Hip Hop Museum (Track this)

Intl: (041) Education and entertainment US: 100; 101; 107 Filing date: 12-Apr-2023 Serial number: 97884471

M by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus; (042) Computer, scientific & legal US: 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 100; 101 Filing date: 26-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97606478

CC by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (007) Machinery US: 013; 019; 021; 023; 024; 031; 034; 035 Filing date: 26-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97606482

trademark by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (007) Machinery US: 013; 019; 021; 023; 024; 031; 034; 035 Filing date: 26-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97606487

P by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus; (042) Computer, scientific & legal US: 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 100; 101 Filing date: 26-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97606472

H by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (007) Machinery US: 013; 019; 021; 023; 024; 031; 034; 035 Filing date: 26-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97606490

HYPERTHERM by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (007) Machinery; (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus; (042) Computer, scientific & legal US: 021; 031; 019; 023; 034; 013; 024; 035; 021; 038; 026; 023; 036; 100; 101 Filing date: 20-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97599296

HYPERTHERM ASSOCIATES by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (035) Advertising and business US: 100; 101; 102 Filing date: 20-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97598892

trademark by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (035) Advertising and business US: 100; 101; 102 Filing date: 20-Sep-2022 Serial number: 97598934


Intl: (005) Pharmaceuticals US: 005; 006; 018; 044; 046; 051; 052 Filing date: 05-Apr-2022 Serial number: 97347513

PONS THERAPY by Helius Medical, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (044) Medical, beauty & agricultural US: 100; 101 Filing date: 15-Nov-2021 Serial number: 97124824


Intl: (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus US: 021; 023; 026; 036; 038 Filing date: 02-Nov-2021 Serial number: 97103565


Intl: (035) Advertising and business; (041) Education and entertainment; (042) Computer, scientific & legal; (044) Medical, beauty & agricultural US: 100; 101; 102; 100; 101; 107; 100; 101; 100; 101 Filing date: 02-Nov-2021 Serial number: 97103564

CENTRICUT by Hypertherm, Inc. (Track this)

Intl: (007) Machinery US: 013; 019; 021; 023; 024; 031; 034; 035 Filing date: 11-Aug-2021 Serial number: 90876875

POSTGRES ALWAYS ON by EnterpriseDB Corporation (Track this)

Intl: (009) Electrical and scientific apparatus; (041) Education and entertainment US: 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 100; 101; 107 Filing date: 28-Jul-2021 Serial number: 90852961

SOCIAL ADVANCEMENT FUND by New York Life Insurance Company (Track this)

Intl: (036) Insurance and financial US: 100; 101; 102 Filing date: 21-Jul-2021 Serial number: 90840769