Trademark: TRACKING
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Mark Identification
Proof of use for TRACKING
We do not have any records of a proof of use for TRACKING at this moment.
Possible trademark infringements of TRACKING
Basic Information about TRACKING
- Serial Number
- 88982862
- Filing Date
- 10 Apr 2020
- Registration Number
- 6783813
- Registration Date
- 05 Jul 2022
- Mark Drawing Code
- 4
Declare the trademark use of TRACKING on the blockchain with
- First use of TRACKING anywhere
- TRACKING was first used on 02 Aug 2008 for the primary classification of goods and services, international, 038 (Telecommunications)
- First use in commerce
- There is no first use of this trademark in commerce detected yet.
- Status Code
- 6
- International Code
- 038
- US Codes
- 100; 101; 104
Who owns TRACKING?
2. Thermo King Corporation Minneapolis MN
3. Thermo King Corporation Minneapolis MN
- Daniel Saam
- SUITE 125
Recent News about TRACKING
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300+ October Prime Day deals selected by experts who have been tracking deal pricing for years Tweet this
One Future Health Feature that may be coming to Apple Watch relates to Tracking Hydration Levels of a user Tweet this
Apple won 62 patents today covering Smartglasses, a Zoom Lens for iPad, Progress Tracking In a Classroom & Future Bright Color Coatings Tweet this
Four Smartglasses patents from Meta cover Hot Mirror Optical Cavity and Infield Illumination, a Frame Tracking System & more Tweet this
Apple Files a Smartglasses patent relating to a Dual Gaze Tracking System Tweet this
Apple has won a Vision Pro patent relating to the display of an image & tracking an eye of a user through a Catadioptric Lens Tweet this
A new Smartglasses patent from Google was published yesterday in Europe focused on including Eye Tracking Technology Tweet this
Behind Apple's announcement this week regarding Eye Tracking for iPhone and iPad were multiple patents over several years Tweet this
Apple & Google have worked together to deliver support for unwanted tracking alerts in iOS and Android Tweet this
Apple was granted 46 Patents today covering Future Smartglasses with a dual gaze Tracking System and more Tweet this
Apple aims to advance certain Fitness+ Workouts using advanced Face and Motion Tracking Data Technology Tweet this
Is Ledger Tracking Each And Every Move You Make? Hard Data Shows Tweet this
Yesterday, Apple won 57 patents covering current & future HMD technologies such as a Lenticular Display, Head & Eye Tracking & more Tweet this
Today Apple was granted 71 patents yesterday covering Apple Vision Glint-Assisted Gaze Tracking and more Tweet this
A new Apple Patent covers another aspect of their Advanced Eye Tracking System for both Vision Pro & Future Smartglasses Tweet this
A new Apple patent reveals integrating User Tracking Headrest Audio Controls & Speakers into Future Vehicle Seating Tweet this
Solana Launches Real-Time Carbon Emissions Tracking Dashboard Tweet this
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