Trademark Clearance
WikiTrademarks Provides Trademark Clearance Search
To start a trademark clearance search, use the search box at the top of this page.
Why run a trademark clearance search?
A trademark clearance is a full search and review of all existing trademarks as well as pending trademark applications.
Before filing a trademark, a search is usually carried out to check if there may be any opposition to your trademark in the jurisdiction and industry you wish to operate in.
Doing a trademark clearance search yourself can be a money saver before you engage a professional trademark services firm. It gives them a starting point for your search.
Some trademark clearance search hints:
- Search all related classifications of goods and services that could interact with or be supplied by a potentially confusing mark that already exists.
- Search Google and other search engines to search for unregistered trademarks.
- Search Google and other search engines for expired trademarks that may still be in use.
- Once you have done a basic trademark clearance search, it is advisable to engage a professional trademark search services firm to confirm your findings.