Trademark: FYI.NANCE
Put your brand on the blockchain and timestamp its proof of existence at
Mark Identification
Proof of use for FYI.NANCE
We do not have any records of a proof of use for FYI.NANCE at this moment.
Possible trademark infringements of FYI.NANCE
Basic Information about FYI.NANCE
- Serial Number
- 97380090
- Filing Date
- 25 Apr 2022
- Mark Drawing Code
- 4
Declare the trademark use of FYI.NANCE on the blockchain with
- First use of FYI.NANCE anywhere
- No first use declared yet.
- First use in commerce
- There is no first use of this trademark in commerce detected yet.
- Status Code
- 6
- International Code
- 036
- US Codes
- 100; 101; 102
Who owns FYI.NANCE?
1. FYI.FYI, INC. Los Angeles CA
2. FYI.FYI, INC. Los Angeles CA
- John C. Stringham Workman Nydegger
- 60 E. South Temple, Suite 1000
- Salt Lake City, UT 84111
- United States
Put your brand on the blockchain and timestamp its proof of existence at