WikiTrademarks - Search, analyse, and monitor trademark applications.

Pro Se Trademark Applications (Self Represented Trademark Applications)

A pro se trademark application is a trademark application filed by an individual or entity without the assistance of a licensed attorney.

"Pro se" is a Latin term that means "for oneself" or "on one's own behalf." In the United States, anyone can file a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) without the help of an attorney, although the process can be complex and often requires a good understanding of trademark law and the application process.

It's important to note that while filing a pro se trademark application can save money on attorney fees, it can also increase the risk of errors or omissions in the application, which can result in delays or even the denial of the trademark registration. Therefore, it's generally recommended that individuals and businesses seeking trademark registration seek the advice and guidance of an experienced trademark attorney.

The following pages are a list of "pro se" trademark applications in the USA.

K&R Distributor Corp. / K&R Distributor Corp.
Wagner, James / Wagner, James
Owner Actions inc / Owner Actions inc
Woytowicz, Eric / Woytowicz, Eric
Ohmunity / Ohmunity
Kingdom Strategies, LLC / Kingdom Strategies, LLC
Male, Dane D / Male, Dane D
Vics Import-Export / Vics Import-Export
Klaer Beauty Care / Klaer Beauty Care
GetZage, Inc. / GetZage, Inc.
ZUZU Wellness,LLC / ZUZU Wellness,LLC
E I Games Corporation / E I Games Corporation
Emerald Memories Inc / Emerald Memories Inc
Carr Kismet Inc / Carr Kismet Inc
TuffDura, LLC / TuffDura, LLC
Honeycomb Hybrids / Honeycomb Hybrids
Thomas, Jay / Thomas, Jay
Olson, Shelli R / Olson, Shelli R
Dussan, Jairo / Dussan, Jairo
Bautista, Ana R / Bautista, Ana R
Shanaah, Eyas / Shanaah, Eyas
Joy's Mambo / Joy's Mambo
Adeptio Una LLC / Adeptio Una LLC
Second Chance Net Inc. / Second Chance Net Inc.
Narcisse, Charlette Z / Narcisse, Charlette Z
Dott Lowande / Dott Lowande
Collins, Shawn / Collins, Shawn
Sienhua Group (North America), Inc. / Sienhua Group (North America), Inc.
Doglio Coffee LLC / Doglio Coffee LLC
Units Franchising Group / Units Franchising Group
Millstone Bros Inc / Millstone Bros Inc
Aleman, Gerardo E. / Aleman, Gerardo E.
The Uncharted Trail, Inc. / The Uncharted Trail, Inc.
Smith, Richard V / Smith, Richard V
Kody Leibowitz / Kody Leibowitz
Kyle Hall / Kyle Hall
Nelson, Nicholas / Nelson, Nicholas
Steele, Latasha L / Steele, Latasha L
Blue Lavender Massage Therapy / Blue Lavender Massage Therapy
Martinez III, Eleuterio / Martinez III, Eleuterio
JNS-Believe LLC / JNS-Believe LLC
Miriam J. Amaro / Miriam J. Amaro
Charles, Cindy / Charles, Cindy
Eniva Health / Eniva Health
Rainwalk Technology Inc / Rainwalk Technology Inc