WikiTrademarks - Search, analyse, and monitor trademark applications.

Pro Se Trademark Applications (Self Represented Trademark Applications)

A pro se trademark application is a trademark application filed by an individual or entity without the assistance of a licensed attorney.

"Pro se" is a Latin term that means "for oneself" or "on one's own behalf." In the United States, anyone can file a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) without the help of an attorney, although the process can be complex and often requires a good understanding of trademark law and the application process.

It's important to note that while filing a pro se trademark application can save money on attorney fees, it can also increase the risk of errors or omissions in the application, which can result in delays or even the denial of the trademark registration. Therefore, it's generally recommended that individuals and businesses seeking trademark registration seek the advice and guidance of an experienced trademark attorney.

The following pages are a list of "pro se" trademark applications in the USA.

King Productions International / King Productions International
PatentBooks Inc. / PatentBooks Inc.
Corban University / Corban University
Monasterio, Patrick / Monasterio, Patrick
Seltzer, Chadwin / Seltzer, Chadwin
Bagchi, Rajarshi / Bagchi, Rajarshi
Emergility, LLC / Emergility, LLC
Pham, Tracy Quynh-Tien / Pham, Tracy Quynh-Tien
Forse, Michael / Forse, Michael
Rubin, Kathleen / Rubin, Kathleen
Yu, Victoria / Yu, Victoria
SoulGain Studios / SoulGain Studios
Clem, Rachel / Clem, Rachel
Project Erebor Inc. / Project Erebor Inc.
JNH Global / JNH Global
Cochran, Michele / Cochran, Michele
Abel, Derrick R. / Abel, Derrick R.
Plant Development Services, Inc. / Plant Development Services, Inc.
PlayTime Scheduler LLC / PlayTime Scheduler LLC
Wilhite, Jennifer / Wilhite, Jennifer
Aguirre Gomez, Maria T. / Aguirre Gomez, Maria T.
Stank, Jessica / Stank, Jessica
Greater Technologies LLC / Greater Technologies LLC
Petite Chic / Petite Chic
Mack, Christin Therese / Mack, Christin Therese
Sah Kavita / Sah Kavita
KVM Technologies LLC / KVM Technologies LLC
Plant Development Services, Inc. / Plant Development Services, Inc.
VidaBox, LLC / VidaBox, LLC
Harsh Bhatt / Harsh Bhatt
Lerner, Barry / Lerner, Barry
Gaia Lab Diamonds LLC / Gaia Lab Diamonds LLC
Web Malls Live Inc / Web Malls Live Inc
Peter Rank Schroeder / Peter Rank Schroeder
Massengill, Arnold / Massengill, Arnold
Project Erebor Inc. / Project Erebor Inc.
Aleksick, Tiffeny / Aleksick, Tiffeny
Black and Blissed LLC / Black and Blissed LLC
Welsh. Gretchen P / Welsh. Gretchen P
Delvonne Simon / Delvonne Simon
Crush Suite Corporation / Crush Suite Corporation
Marante Spirits LLC / Marante Spirits LLC
VEL Consulting / VEL Consulting
Audaroo LLC / Audaroo LLC
Eric Myrmel / Eric Myrmel
Cyber NOW Education, LLC / Cyber NOW Education, LLC
Eric Myrmel / Eric Myrmel
Emergility, LLC / Emergility, LLC
Vaughan Brothers Comestibles LLC / Vaughan Brothers Comestibles LLC