WikiTrademarks - Search, analyse, and monitor trademark applications.

Pro Se Trademark Applications (Self Represented Trademark Applications)

A pro se trademark application is a trademark application filed by an individual or entity without the assistance of a licensed attorney.

"Pro se" is a Latin term that means "for oneself" or "on one's own behalf." In the United States, anyone can file a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) without the help of an attorney, although the process can be complex and often requires a good understanding of trademark law and the application process.

It's important to note that while filing a pro se trademark application can save money on attorney fees, it can also increase the risk of errors or omissions in the application, which can result in delays or even the denial of the trademark registration. Therefore, it's generally recommended that individuals and businesses seeking trademark registration seek the advice and guidance of an experienced trademark attorney.

The following pages are a list of "pro se" trademark applications in the USA.

Wildflower Coffee Company / Wildflower Coffee Company
Pastore, Timothy M / Pastore, Timothy M
Basta Inc. / Basta Inc.
Vicky Ross Wellness LLC / Vicky Ross Wellness LLC
Rashmi Airan / Rashmi Airan
An, Wonyong / An, Wonyong
Manisha Reehal / Manisha Reehal
Sourcing Systems International Inc. / Sourcing Systems International Inc.
Armstrong, William J. / Armstrong, William J.
Ian Hodge / Ian Hodge
Vilo Fence LLC / Vilo Fence LLC
Carter, Jamil Laken / Carter, Jamil Laken
Terra Lotus LLC / Terra Lotus LLC
The Sleep loft NYC LLC / The Sleep loft NYC LLC
Helium Financial Group / Helium Financial Group
Doug Brady / Doug Brady
Indigo Sky LLC / Indigo Sky LLC
Turner, Jasmine / Turner, Jasmine
Simplex RX Inc. / Simplex RX Inc.
Simplex RX Inc. / Simplex RX Inc.
Zhe Perfect Life International LLC / Zhe Perfect Life International LLC
Schreus, Hans W / Schreus, Hans W
Daugherty, Laura J / Daugherty, Laura J
Walker, Leon R / Walker, Leon R
Forbes Bryan A / Forbes Bryan A
Szukalowski, Marvin J / Szukalowski, Marvin J
Bourne, Kim / Bourne, Kim
ACinch LLC / ACinch LLC
Walker, Leon R / Walker, Leon R
Kenneth Earl Williams, Jr. / Kenneth Earl Williams, Jr.
ALYS Always Love Yourself LLC / ALYS Always Love Yourself LLC
Haskai INC / Haskai INC
Cotton, Sherria / Cotton, Sherria
Macros Principle Holdings LLC / Macros Principle Holdings LLC
Michelle Nicole Drake / Michelle Nicole Drake
Lewis, Michael R Jr / Lewis, Michael R Jr
Larry Averitt / Larry Averitt
Kafele, Kibriya J / Kafele, Kibriya J
Melissa Frieden / Melissa Frieden
Probst, Anne / Probst, Anne
Wellsaid Labs Inc / Wellsaid Labs Inc
Toasterfuel LLC / Toasterfuel LLC
A Bar of Their Own, LLC / A Bar of Their Own, LLC
Crawford, Benjamin P / Crawford, Benjamin P
Annapolis Social House, LLC. / Annapolis Social House, LLC.
Adair, Logan R / Adair, Logan R
North Central Institute / North Central Institute